My Projects

The Tragic Death of Katherine Hill

Student Project

Semester 5

5 weeks

Unreal Engine


1 Programmer, 4 Artists, 2 Writer

The Tragic Death of Katherine Hill is a murder mystery, inspired by old detective novels, together with the more modern influence of the noir genre, mixing the two.
As such, you as a mostly faceless detective, are charged with solving the murder case of the prostitute Kitty. Preferably finding the culprit before the police can come in and blame the easiest targets.

This leaves you free to wander a part of the city interacting with a cast of characters and various items to find the truth and put the real murderer behind bars.

My Tasks


Game Design


Level Design





The Tragic Death of Katherine Hill allowed me to focus on Narrative Design for the last Student Project. Another student and I split the task of creating characters and story and writing the dialogues. Furthermore, I helped design the mechanics used in-game while also developing the level. Hereby I had to consider effective Item and NPC placement and combine them with exciting paths that fit the story we had created.


Student Project

Semester 4

5 weeks

Unreal Engine


2 Programmers, 4 Artists

A roguelike high-score chaser in which the Goddess Kali fights against demonic hordes spawned by the blood of the demon Raktabīj.
On the way, she unlocks new skills with every shrine she purifies. With every enemy she slays, her strength only rises, though her defences fall. As such, in the end, even one hit is deadly.

The game itself is a fast-paced hack and slay, focused quick satisfaction in the form of attack-combos, quick gameplay, and long kill-streaks without feeling too easy. Furthermore, since every run will end in death, there is a continually rising difficulty, as enemy attacks do more damage the longer one plays.

My Tasks


Game Design


Level Design


Scrum Master




During the production of Kali I was once more responsible for organizing the team as the Scrum Master, while my main tasks were Level Design and Game Design. Testing out what kinds of level work for the game we had in mind, and then implementing them into the game, while also balancing various mechanics. Lastly, I helped with the programming wherever needed.

Shaman Saga - Dungeon Heroes

Student Project

Semester 3

7 weeks



5 Artists, 3 Programmers, 2 Game Designers

A couch-coop dungeon crawler that is set in a ruined Sci-Fi setting. The players have to work together to defeat enemies, as each can only damage one colour... and boosts the other.

The game itself is focused on skilful play and coordination, forcing the players to consider tactics even while in a rush. To that end, each player can only damage one colour of enemies, though they may swap with their partner at any time.

My Tasks


Game Design


Level Design

My tasks in Shaman Saga - Dungeon Heroes were split between Game Design and Level Design. In my capacity as Game Designer tested several mechanics to appear in the game. As the Level Designer, I created levels to introduce these mechanics to the players organically. As this was my first significant exercise in Level Design, I naturally made various mistakes, from which I gathered valuable insights.

Extraplanetary Quest

Student Project

6 Weeks

Semester 2



5 Artists, 4 Programmers

My Tasks


Game Design


Scrum Master





For our first digital project, we had the task of making a card-game. We made a game split between movement on a map, where one would encounter events, hazards, and fights, and the fight itself, which were card-based.

During this Student Project, my main objectives were split between the Game Design, in particular the combat system, and the balancing of the cards used in it, and the Writing, for which I created several events to appear in-game, as well as shaping the lore that appeared in the game. Furthermore, I organized the team as the scrum-master and programmed the combat system with its mechanics.